
Strausz László

Egyetemi docens

Strausz László



Strausz László a Filmtudomány Tanszék docense. 1998 óta publikál filmes témájú újságokban illetve weboldalakon. A Pécsi Tudományegyetemen filozófia diplomát szerzett, majd 2001-2007 között doktori tanulmányokat folytatott az Egyesült Államokban, Atlantában (Georgia State University). Doktori diplomájának megszerzése után Amerikában (Bucknell University) és Angliában (University College London) tanított.

Főbb kutatási területei a kortárs közép-kelet-európai mozgóképkultúrák, a kulturális emlékezet és a filmstílus politikájának kérdései köré csoportosulnak. A Hesitant Histories on the Romanian Screen (Palgrave, 2017) c. monográfiájának megjelenése óta a Belügyminiszérium filmstúdiójának oktató- és propagandafilmjeivel foglalkozik. A Studies in Eastern European Cinema szerkesztője.

Szakmai önéletrajz



Habilitáció, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, 2017

Doktori diploma (PhD) kommunikáció, mozgóképtudomány szakirány, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2007.

Filozófia szakos előadó (MA), Pécsi Tudományegyetem, 2001.



Idegen nyelven

“Manufacturing histories: the construction of 1989 on the Romanian screen.” In. Romanian Cinema in the Cultural Framework: A Multidisciplinary Approach (Film, Literature, History and the Visual Arts) Ed. Dominique Nasta. Les Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles. Megjelenés előtt. 2022.

“Move on Down. Precarity and Downward Mobility in Contemporary Hungarian Feature Films” In. Precarity in European Films. Depictions and discourses. Eds: Elisa Cuter, Guido Kirsten and Hanna Prenzel. DeGruyter. 2022.

“Instrumentalization of the border zone. Environment and ideology in the educational films of the BM Filmstúdió.” Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies. Vol. 20, 2021, 151-164.

“From affect to instrument: interpellation and governmentality in the BM Filmstúdió collection”, Studies in Eastern European Cinema. 11:2 (2020), pp. 157-172.

“Hesitant Journeys: fugitive and migrant narratives in the new Romanian Cinema”, in Journeys On Screen: Theory, ethics and aesthetics. (eds.) Louis Bayman—Natália Pinazza. Edinburgh University Press. 2019. pp. 130-146. 

Hesitant Histories on the Romanian Screen. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.

“Realism under Construction: Radu Jude's It Can Pass Through the Wall”, Short Film Studies. 7: 2 (2017) pp. 149-52.

“Márta Mészáros.” Co-authored with Parvulescu, Constantin. In Oxford Bibliographies in Cinema and Media Studies. Ed. Krin Gabbard. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199791286/obo-9780199791286-0203.xml 2016.

“Producing Prejudice: The Rhetoric of Discourses in and around Current Films on Roma-Hungarian Interethnic Relations.” Romani Studies 5, Vol. 24, No. 1 (2014), 1–24.

“Back to the Past: Mnemonic themes in contemporary Hungarian cinema.” East European Film Bulletin. http://eefb.org/essays/back-to-the-past/  March 2014. 

“Archeology of Flesh: History and Body-Memory in Taxidermia.” Jump Cut. 53 (2011) http://www.ejumpcut.org/archive/jc53.2011/strauszTaxidermia/index.html

“On the River: History as a Palimpsestic Narrative in The Danube Exodus.” Film-Philosophy. 15.1 (2011) 100-117. http://www.film-philosophy.com/index.php/f-p/article/view/110/784 

“The Politics of Style in Miklós Jancsó’s The Red and the White and The Lord’s Lantern in Budapest.” Film Quarterly. 2009 Vol. 62, No. 3, pp. 41-47.

“Cinema and National Identity” Co-authored with Restivo, Angelo. Nations and Nationalism: A Global Historical Overview. (eds.) Guthram Herb and David Kaplan. ABC-CLIO. 2008.


Magyar nyelven

“Realizmus és modernizmus között: hezitáció és az új roman film értelmezésének keretei” Metropolis. 2017/2.

“Visszabeszélés és önegzotizálás.” Pannonhalmi Szemle 2014/1 104-119. 

“Vissza a múltba: az emlékezés tematikája fiatal magyar rendezőknél” Metropolis. 2011/3.

“Az identitás régészete: Film és festészet” Déli Felhõ. 1998/3. 6-14.


Szerkesztőségi tapasztalat

2018- Studies in Eastern European Cinema, Routledge Journal – Associate Editor


Egyetemi oktatói tapasztalat

2010- Egyetemi adjunktus, ELTE BTK, Filmtudomány Tanszék

2009-2010 Teaching Fellow, MA Film Studies Program, University College London, Centre for Intercultural Studies

2008- 2009 Visiting Assistant Professor, Bucknell University, English Department

2007-2008 Visiting Instructor, Georgia State University. Communication Department

2001-2007 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Georgia State University. Communication Department

Egyetemi oktató, Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Angol Tanszék.


Elnyert Pályázatok

Teaching Fellow, Visual Studies Platform, OSA-Central European University (2018 ősz)

Visegrad Scholarship, OSA (2018 május-június)

ELTE Tudományos Tanácsának angol nyelvű publikációt támogató lektorálási pályázata (2016 szeptember)


Konferencia előadások

“Transformers of the real. Socialist realist agents in Hungarian educational films for the internal services” NECS Annual Conference, Bucharest, June 2022

“Vom Affekt zum Instrument: die Propagandafilme des ungarischen Innenministeriums zwischen 1955-1989” Invited speaker, Scientific Colloquium of the Stasi Record Archive, Berlin, May 2022

“Instrumentalization of the border zone: Environment and ideology in the educational films of the BM Filmstúdió” Studies in Eastern European Cinemas Conference, May 2021.

“Manufacturing histories: Hesitation in contemporary Romanian films” Romanian Cinema in the Cultural Framework:  A multidisciplinary approach. Conference at the University of Brussels, December 2019.

“Viewership as striving” Annual conference of the Hungarian Association for Film Studies. Szeged, September 2018.

“Canonical Bodies: Acting, authorship and transtextuality in the new Romanian cinema” NECS Annual Conference, Paris, June 2017

“Journeying in between: Mobility and social construction in the new Romanian cinema” NECS Annual Conference, Potsdam, July 2016

“Mobility and social construction in Romanian cinema and television” The Real and the Intermedial XVI. International Film and Media Studies Conference in Transylvania. Cluj. October 2015.

“Journeying in between: Mobility and social construction in the new Romanian cinema” NECS Annual Conference, Potsdam, July 2015

“Mobility and social construction in Romanian cinema and television” The Real and the Intermedial XVI. International Film and Media Studies Conference in Transylvania. Cluj. October 2015.

“The production of hesitation in space” 2nd Marx at the Movies Conference: Cinema and the Present Day, University of Central Lancashire, July 2015.

“Modernism under construction: film on filmmaking in the Ceausescu era” NECS Annual Conference, Lodz, May 2015

“Beyond realism and modernism: methodological observations on the new Romanian cinema” Screen Memories Conference, Budapest, 2014

“Producing Prejudice: The Rhetoric of Discourses in and around Current Films on Roma-Hungarian Interethnic Relations” NECS Annual Conference, Prague, 2013

“Mnemonic themes in contemporary Hungarian film” Body and Subjectivity in Contemporary Hungarian Cinema. Conference at the University of Debrecen, May 2012

“Pictorial tropes and historical memory: allegory and symbol in recent Romanian and Hungarian films” Konferencia nyitó előadás. Re-Living Disaster: Film-History-Identity, Graduate Conference, Birkbeck University, London, 2010 Április 30.

“On the River: History as a palimpsestic narrative in The Danube Exodus” SCMS éves konferencia, Los Angeles,  2010 Március.

“Cinematic Images of History in Romanian and Hungarian Contemporary Film”

Meghívott előadó a University College London - School of Slavonic and East European Studies Centre for the Study of Eastern Europe előadás sorozatán. 2010 Február.

“Architecture of Flesh: The Triptych of the Body as History in Taxidermia.” SCMS éves konferencia, Philadelphia, March 2008.

“From the Aesthetics of Geometry Towards the Face: Public vs. Private Space in Miklós Jancsó’s The Red and the White and The Lord’s Lantern in Budapest.” SCMS éves konferencia, Chicago, 2007 Március.

“Bending Space: Narrative Functions of the Vertigo Shot.” SCMS éves konferencia, London, 2005 Április.

“Witnesses of War: Point-of-view and Identification in War Films.” War in Film and Literature. Conference of Film-Literature Association. Dallas, November 2004.